Formula E mulls leaving London for Silverstone

Electric racing series Formula E has confirmed that it is in talks to drop London from its schedule.   

Silverstone has been mooted as a possible alternative if Formula E does not renew its deal with the ExCeL in Docklands.

The east London venue has hosted a double-header of races since 2021 but this year’s, which acts as the season finale, could be the last. 

“Given the complexity of securing and continually improving our race calendar, it is common for us to hold tentative reservations with multiple venues prior to formally announcing the full line up of races in collaboration with the FIA,” Formula E chief executive Jeff Dodds told City A.M.

“Until then nothing is confirmed and remains pure speculation as to where and when races will take place.”

Leaving London for a traditional motor racing circuit would be a departure from Formula E’s preferred format of using city centres such as Sao Paulo, Monaco and Berlin, where drivers race around Tempelhof Airport.

Silverstone has long been home to the Formula 1 British Grand Prix and a number of classic races within the calendar.

The 10th season of the motorsport is due to continue this weekend in Italy when the paddock travels to Misano for the first time.

The Formula E season continues this weekend in Italy when the paddock travels to Misano for the first time.

Last time out

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