Letter to the editor: Be careful what you wish for

[Re: The Notebook: The Conservative Party has forgotten what it once stood for, 4 mar]

I always enjoy City A.M’s The Note Book column. Opinions from those across the spectrum are valuable. Especially to those of us elected, who should always listen.

But James Chapman has swallowed the “fashionable” view: “The Conservatives have forgotten what they once stood for.”

He cites voices of disgruntled former figures within the Party, most of whom held high office for record-breakingly short periods.

James should have provided some balance, whatever one thinks of Rishi Sunak, his is a moderate One Nation Government.

It has enabled City A.M. readers the framework to create 4m more jobs since 2010. That’s no mean achievement.

Keir Starmer: be careful for what you wish for, is the prevalent view I pick up within the City.

Tony Devenish AM, City Hall

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