‘Super Bowl is a home away from home as an American in London’

Yes, you are right, the Super Bowl is not just about American football – and it probably never will be. 

But that doesn’t mean it’s not the (with full emphasis on the ‘the’) weekend that Americans, and even the Brits, look forward to all year. 

Everyone’s got their reasons for tuning in – whether it be the long and witty commercials, the seemingly extravagant halftime show, or even now the most recent introduction of Taylor Swift to the crowds. 

Some are angry about the latter (of course) while others still bicker over who should have been chosen for the performance – what people should realise, though, is that this mix of fans is what never fails to make it a smashing good time. 

Super Bowl drag?

I’ll admit, living in London as an American during the Super Bowl seems like it could be a bit of a drag. And yes, I do think it’s unfortunate that the kick off has to be a few too many hours past my bedtime on a Sunday night. 

To my surprise, it’s actually pretty fun.

Some 4,000 miles away from my home – a home in which I am fortunate to share with the beloved Green Bay Packers – I still feel giddy with excitement waking up on a Super Bowl Sunday morning. Isn’t that what matters? 

For as long as I can remember, it was never just about the sport.

I never even paid much attention to the plays growing up – only when my grandma would point out Aaron Rodgers’ latest haircut – and still probably couldn’t explain the rules to you in layman’s terms. 

It was always the friends, family, food and loud crowds that made it worth it, and that’s how it still feels here in the UK as people flock to the pubs for an 11:30 pm kick-off.

In the end, this ‘boring’ sport I hear so many of my fellow British friends complain about is the home away from home for many of us here in the capital, and I think it’s pretty cool to see everyone enjoy it here in the UK just the same… even if it’s for Taylor Swift.

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