Super Bowl LVIII: How to read Roman numerals ahead of the American football

We may be at the 58th (LVIII) Super Bowl but many are still oblivious to the bunch of apparent letters that change every year. So here is how to read Roman numerals.

What are Roman numerals?

Roman numerals are, shock horror, symbols that represent numbers based on the ancient Roman system.

Alphabet symbols are used to represent numbers from 1 to 1000 with an accumulation of numbers used to form any figure.

For example, 1 = I, 2 = II and 3 = III. But 5 = V, meaning 4 = IV (which translates to 1 less than five).

This system of adding and subtracting numbers is why the Super Bowl number sometimes has an X (10) in it, but hasn’t this year, and why it never used to have an L but will do for the next 30 years.

What do all of the numbers look like?

I = 1

V = 5

X = 10

L = 50

C = 100

D = 500

M = 1,000

If a numeral is placed after one of greater significance, it adds value. If a numeral is placed before one of greater significance, it subtracts value. The Super Bowl follows this process. For example:

LI = 51 (50 plus one)

XLIX = 49 because 10 (X) less than 50 (L) = 40 (XL) , 1 (I) less than 10 (X) = 9 (IX)

How to read this year’s Super Bowl number?

This year’s Super Bowl numerals are LVIII.

L equals 50 while V equals five, so the first two letters represent 55.

Add on the III and you’re at 58.

See, it’s not that difficult!

What are the next 10 numerals going to look like?

Super Bowl 58 may look like LVIII but here’s how the next five will look:

59 = LIX

60 = LX

61 = LXI

62 = LXII

63 = LXIII

64 = LXIV

65 = LXV

66 = LXVI

67 = LXVII


So there you have it. When this year’s Super Bowl LVIII is on you’ll know exactly what you’re talking about when it comes to the Roman numerals after the title. You’re welcome.


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